I am about to embark on a journey of learning with my soon to be new horse. I would like to share that journey with you.
I am planning on bringing home a cute-as-a-button Haflinger gelding, who has some serious weight issues (yeah, don't we all!) and, as a result has foundered.
Now, I have had to deal with keeping and/or putting weight ON horses in the past; I have no experience with slimming down a horse, nor the treatment and long term management of laminitis. So I've started gathering information, watching videos, reading all that I can get my hands on.
My vision for this site (today, at least - don't quote me on this tomorrow) is to become a journal of sorts, to document his journey to wellness, to share what worked or didn't work. I'm planning on covering nutrition, exercise, hoof management, and whatever else may come up and prove useful. It is my hope, that others, who may find themselves in the same spot I am in now, will stumble across my findings and research and benefit from it. Stay tuned!